Making Good Health a Top Priority
A Wellness Lifestyle is a commitment and choice toward wholeness and happiness through conscious development with the ultimate goal of living life as fully as possible. Improving any one area of your life with a professional wellness coach will increase your self esteem and spill over it’s positive effects to other areas of your life.
Embrace and love your body. It is the most amazing thing you’ll ever own.
Toxin-Free Products
Healing is attained in various forms. Not only do you want to remove the toxins from the body, but you also want to prevent the toxins from entering your body. It only takes 26 seconds for a toxic ingredient to hit the blood stream. Pretty scary huh? We will always be surrounded by toxins and chemicals, but using preventable measures will keep us at a maintenance level and help us feel whole again.
Natural skincare and beauty care; as well as household cleaning products is a great start to removing toxic products from your home.
Healthy Eating Habits
Let’s face it… everyday is a journey and can be stressful as you are trying to figure out what to eat. With so many protocols and theories, it can be overwhelming. Healing is obtained in many forms, and fueling your body with good nutrition is one of the best ways to heal.
Even though we all can not follow the same protocol, we all can agree that “food is medicine”.
Healthy Hydration
The process of hydration is crucial for individuals to obtain fluids. The best form of hydration is water. Generally, we think of hydration as something that only pertains to humans, but in fact, all living things on earth need water to survive.
It is the most essential component in existence. We are constantly reminded how important hydration is for us.
Mind and Body Therapy
Mind-body therapy with an experienced wellness coach, aims to restore your health through therapeutic modalities. There are many ways to achieve a state of calmness and relaxation, in addition to healing your body.
Healing is obtained in various forms and taking a more natural and holistic approach is key. Through exercise, massage, chiropractic care and red light therapy with a wellness coach, you should feel like a new person.
Red Light Therapy
Did you know that you can use red light therapy inside your Clearlight sauna or even freestanding anywhere in your home? You do not need a sauna to experience the healing therapy from red light. However, it is most beneficial when added to the inside of a Clearlight sauna.
This device should be in every home as the benefits are endless.
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Do you have questions about infrared therapy, detox protocols, or a wellness lifestyle?
Schedule your own one-on-one consultation with Julie Bishop to get the answers you need.